Mikael W only is responsible for the answers of the commonly asked public questions beow:
Q: Is Kingdom Kids Club (KKC) an old organization?
A: KKC was founded in June 2015 by Mikael Wouda from Sweden
Q: How is KKC organised?
A: KKC is really flat organised (like a pancake without strawberries), but at the same time a top-directed organisation (up to the heaven). KKC is a non-democratic managed organisation (the aim is theocratic managements), where the team leader at each KKC site in the world designs her/his own version of KKC Christian Sunday school within a certain specified working-frame, which means:
- decides the constitution of the team
- decides what food/snacks to eat
- decides what games to play
- decides what songs to sing
-…..by taking into account their local culture
- A pre-determined budget (or alternatively a sponsor agreement) needs to be considered
- The activities must follow a certain established working frame, the so called KKC concept
- Only real gospel from the bible, and thereby no false doctrines, are accepted in KKC
KKC supports and help existing Christian organization/congregations/schools/orphanages and private persons to start up Christian Sunday schools according to that KKC concept.
The collaboration, managing and KKC support is then continuing until the team leader decide to follow a more local concept. KKC has, historically since June 2015, started up Sunday schools at the following sites:
- Iligan City and in many suburbs around Iligan city, north Mindanao
- In the mountains close to Tangub City, north Mindanao
- Pigcawayan, north Cotabato, south Mindanao
- Guimaras
- Kibera, Africa´s largest slum area located in Nairobi
- Kasur
- Gujranwala
- Faisalabad
- i-town
- T-city
- Karachi
- Lahore
- Bahawalpur (the Water project)
- Support of two orphanages located in West Papua (i.e. no KKC Sunday school activities)
- Paralakhemundi city located in Odisha state
- The mountain village Punjapai in Odisha state
- Labanyagada village in Odisha state
- Pollur, a village in Andhra Pradesh state
- New Delhi (other activities than Sunday school)
Q: Why some KKC sites just arranges KKC Christian Sunday school for only 1-2 years?
A: KKC apostolically supports Christian churches, congregations, organisations, orphanages, schools and private persons around the world to start up Christian Sunday school services for poor kids, and other services like prayer meeting groups, literature distibution, bible courses, preaching/teaching etc. KKC work after a specific designed and well-known concept, and is sometimes providing these sites with fundings.
However, after 1-2 years a certain site may like to continue the Sunday school service according to their own more local concept, or develop/improve the KKC concept further which suits them better. This is a normal developing process. However, there are also team leaders that needs to focus more on their studies, families or job duties and therefore need a break from the Sunday school duty.
KKC starts up and give support to a site as long as the KKC concept is followed or as long as the site wish to collaborate with KKC. KKC never force anyone or close anything
Q: What kind of kids can join KKC?
A: KKC provide Sunday school services for mainly orphan kids, slum kids, street kids, poor kids and sometimes also for adults. In the future, KKC hopefully have knowledge to also provide special kids with Sunday school. Yes, rich kids are of course welcome too.....kids are kids
Q: Is KKC only a club for Christian kids?
A: Kids originating from various backrgrounds are all very welcome, i.e. backgroungds like Hinduism, Islam, Catholic, Communism, Ateism etc. KKC never close any doors. All kind of people are also welcome to join and/or sponsor KKC.
Q: What is the fee to be a member of KKC
A: KKC is for free. No charge!
Q: Why are only some kids in KKC dressed in a KKC t-shirt?
A: The aim is that all kids can be dressed in such green t-shirt, but it will take some time as it is a sponsor issue. Some kids also forget to dress in that t-shirt when they go to school, and they actually grows. In addition, the leaders are dressed in a white KKC t-shirt.
Q: Who invented the text on the back-side of the t-shirts?
A: The text originates from Matthew 19:14 in the bible
Q: I have seen a rainbow in KKC´s logotype. Does KKC support homosexual organisations and Pride festivals?
A: The rainbow belongs to God.
"And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth" (Genesis 9:12-13)
Q: Can I join KKC ?
A: Contact Mikael on [email protected] (mikitampu at gmail.com)
Q: What websites are correlated to the Kingdom Kids Club. It seems to be more than one Kingdom Kids Club (?)
A: The official and valid KKC webiste adress is kkc.n.nu. You also find KKC on KKC Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/KKCSweden/)
Q: What churches/congregations/schools/organisations and private persons are KKC collaborating with?
A: In the table below you can see some of them:
Avbbreviation | Name and website | Logotype and link to website | Country |
Word Fellowship Cathedral |
Word Fellowship Cathedral | Kibera Nairobi Kenya | |
CCEC | Cheery Children Education Center | ![]() |
Kibera Nairobi Kenya |
FCM | Foundation in Christ Ministries | ![]() |
Faisalabad Pakistan |
CCOP | City Church of Praise | ![]() |
Iligan city Mindanao Philippines |
- | Gospel Sam | ![]() |
Sweden |
- | Care for kids ministry |
Odisha state India |
LCM | Life Changing Ministry | ![]() |
Odisha state India |
CLMM | Christian literature & media ministry | ![]() |
Faisalabad Pakistan |
Labuyo Assembly of God Church | ![]() |
Tangub city Mindanao Philippines |
Jesus Kids Ministry | Ozamiz, Philippines | ||
True light ministry |
Karachi Pakistan |
Praise and worship church |
Pigcawayan north Cotabato Mindanao Philippines |
Faith Gospel Assemblies Pakistan |
Khanewal Pakistan |
CCGMP | Children Care Gospel Ministries Pakistan |
https://www.facebook.com/Bible https://www.facebook.com/Chil |
Lahore Pakistan |
Mercy Mission | ![]() |
Guimaras Philippines |
Jesus Ministries Church | https://www.facebook.com/joseph.hameed |
Lahore Pakistan |
Q: What else does KKC arrange besides Christian Sunday schools?
A: See "What is KKC"?
A: See "More KKC supporting activities"
Q: How about Halloween? Is that something for the KKC kids as you like to have some fun?
A: KKC kids always have fun in the light of Jesus Christ, and escapes from the darkness represented by e.g. Halloween
Q: Children are innocent and free from sins, so why should they attend a Sunday school?
A: Train up a child in the way he should go. And when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6)
Q: KKC want people to contribute and to support, but how is it possible if I have no money?
A: You needn´t have any money to give support to KKC. You can give an orphan child a hug. Hugs are for free, so just come to the next KKC Sunday school and hug the kids. There are ofcourse also other duties....contact Mikael
Q: I want to be a KKC Team Leader and start up KKC in my city. Any requirements to be a Team Leader?
A: To be a KKC Team Leader is very difficult. They are "the warrior of the warriors". You should be able to sacrifice everyhing in your life, and have a passion for both Jesus Christ and kids. You should have currage to lead your team, climb up in the mountains among eagles and thugs, fight against the malaria mosquitos among canibals in Papua New Guinea, act close to famous terrorist organisations, be a single mother to four kids, be a leader for tough kids in a tough slum area with mud up to your nose, run faster than a cheetah, or sing happy songs for people who lost all there relatives from a disaster......and you don´t get paied
Q: What are the KKC kids learn on the bible lectures?
A: The KKC Sunday school teachers give the kids lessons from the original holy bible only. Kingdom Kids Club refuses to teach strange doctrines (1 Timothy 1:3), like New Age and Toronto or similar false doctrines. In addition, KKC refuses teaching doctrines from the Mormones, Jehova Witnesses, and/or Kundalini yoga, as well as praying to dead people like saints. KKC only want to provide children with basic, genuine and real gospel, obtained from the originally written Holy Bible.
Q: Why is KKC´s websiste reffering to websites that spread so much false doctrines?
A: Kingdom Kids Club take no responsibility for the content of other webistes or blogs.
Q: How is KKC financed?
A: KKC is mainly financed by private sponsors/donors. The label-blessing system is more of a symbolic handling (based on Joshua chapter 6)
Q: How can I donate money to KKC and how can I know that my donation will be used for KKC Christian Sunday school activities only?
- 100% of your money donation will efficiently be used, mainly for providing the kids with something to eat, or a prize (which usually also is something to eat too, like bisquits/cookies), or something to drink (ususally the kids drink water). KKC will pay for all necessary and normal money transaction fees, and therefore 100% of your money goes to the kids.
- KKC is still a too small organisation to be controlled by "Swedish insamlingskontroll" by means of an expensive 90-account. Therefore, trust for KKC, without such a control system is always included in all donations. KKC will, ofcourse, apply for a 90-account in the future when an appropriate organisation size has been reached
- The donor/sponsor will later receive, by e-mail or Skype, photo evidence (or similar) of the sponsored activity and a thank notice. For sponsors that repeatadly gives money a table is sent that summarize all transactions.
- You can make your donation using PayPal (just click on the Donate symbol below):
- Swedish citizens can make their donations by using Swish (or PayPal). However, donations though Bankgiro or Plusgiro is not possible (see "How is KKC organised").Contact Mikael W by e-mail for the Swish number
- It is also possible to send your donation directly to the church/congregation/organisation/school/orphanage and private person that KKC collaborate with, but KKC takes no responsibility for such transactions
Q: What is the label-blessing system?
A: See below
Q: What kind of people visit this website?
A: The top-10 visiting countries the last 3 months according to N.NU:
No | Country |
1 | Pakistan |
2 | USA |
3 | India |
4 | Ireland |
5 | Finland |
6 | Bangladesh |
7 | United Arab Emirates |
8 | Philippines |
9 | China |
10 | UK |
Q: What kind of games KKC play?
A: See some some examples of games here
Q: What kind of songs KKC sing?
A: Listen to some examples of songs here
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